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Areas covered include:
Tarot card
Crystal Energy
Past life
Reunite lovers
Remove all blockages that caused the relationship to fall apart
Chakra balancingWhen one (or more) of the chakra is blocked and the energy does not flow harmoniously through them, or it is wide open, it will result in imbalance that is manifested in all areas of life. Only when all the chakra's are balanced can one truley find love, success, happiness and peace of mind in life.
Spiritual cleansing of home and bodyRemoves all demons, devils, negatie energies, ghost's, ect. Hex/Curse Removal No matter how long you have been living under the influence of a hex or a curse, the Hex/Curse removal cleansings are designed to eliminate the negative influences that you have in your life. This special and powerful cleansing will break all hexes, curses, spells, and spell attacks.
Aura cleansingThe aura itself an energy field around the body like a halo. A clean aura, unencumbered by imperfections, will allow the good things to enter your life.However, if your aura is riddled with imperfections, your life will never be fulfilled – you will never get what you want! The barriers that are present in a cluttered aura will most certainly prevent you from achieving the happiness and success you so deserve. Once your aura is cleansed – removing the imperfections and dark clouds that surround it – only then can love and money flow through your aura into your life.
About Me:
As a Psychic life coach MoonLight is passionate about helping Her clients achieve breakthrough results and living the lives they love. She believe's everyone can achieve just about anything once they begin removing their blocks to success. She coach'es people as human beings with real feelings, desires and goals. Through ESP, Psychic intuitive gifts, prayer, and spiritual guides She has helped so many restore their spirit. Let Her guide you using Her powerful healing prayers, strong mediation and spirit guides.
Her Psychic readings may help to define your life’s vision. Together You set goals and create a plan of action. Through Tarot Readings and Psychic Readings She has helped many of Her clients discover methods for overcoming obstacles and stumbling blocks. Her Life Readings are insightful. They give many details and time frames. She can help and guide you through challenges, decisions, choices and change to come. Phone Readings & Coaching can be done from anywhere in the world.
She Is A authentic spiritual counselor. Her Psychic Readings and Spiritual Cleansing's are tools and services to help heal the wounds, confusion, frustration you may feel about the unknown. She has counseled and guided thousands of couples to reunite. Her sessions have helped many single people find their Soulmates. Life is truly a journey, not to be traveled alone, but with the one you truly love! She has done research on aura magnetic energy and its effects on human spirits to help clients find Zen!
MoonLight, is a qualified psychic and spiritual medium who gives accurate psychic readings through a range of mediums. She is a professional certified consultant who uses her intuition to offer guidance to all of her clients, encouraging them to move in a positive direction and face the challenges that may lie ahead of them.
When you schedule your psychic reading with MissMoonLight, you will receive a detailed and Highly Accurate Reading! that covers the aspects of your life where you feel you need the most guidance, Like Love & Relationship Career New Opportunities Or Promotion, Family Matters, Removeing Bad Luck. Guidance For Future Goals Or Desires, Inner Growth And Spiritual Development Chakra Healing ECT.